Wednesday 8 November 2006

Net Worth - PF Bloggers progress for OCT '06

It's interesting to see how the various PF bloggers who post Net Worth each month are progressing. Here's a summary of all ones I found.

Leave a comment if I've missed yours out!

Monthly Net Worth of PF Bloggers for OCT 2006:

Blogger Age Net Worth $ Change % Change
Accumulating Money 2x $40,409.46 $2,284.37 6.0%
Consumerism Commentary 30 $63,922.06 $4,808.43 8.1%
Enough Wealth 44 $991,006.00 $43,435.00 4.6%
Financial Freedom 30 no Oct data no Oct data N/A
It's Just Money 32 $150,515.49 $2,101.65 1.4%
Make love, not debt ?? -$76,811.85 $2,201.65 N/A
Making Our Way 37 $608,465.24 $8,575.47 1.4%
Map Girl 32 $34,523.00 $701.00 2.1%
Money and Values 24 no Oct data no Oct data N/A
My Money Blog 28 $113,984.00 $4,123.00 3.8%
My Money Path 29 $100,260.00 $7,816.00 8.5%
My Open Wallet 37 $305,058.00 $7,058.00 2.4%
New Age Personal Finance 31 $133,184.27 $8,337.58 6.7%
Savvy Saver 27 $213,319.00 $4,507.00 2.2%
nb. Some ages have been adjusted as follows:
exact age provided = listed as given
"20's" = listed as 2x
"early 20's" = listed as 22
"mid-late 20's" = listed as 27
and so on.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's interesting to see them all organized like that. Maybe I should start posting mine too...