Thursday, 16 November 2006

Blog Monetization update: Nov 2006

My first payment appeared in my PayPal account yesterday! A grand total of USD$4.00 - this exactly covers the friends fees I've paid so far ;)

Over the next month there should be some more noticeable amounts deposited into PayPal, as my earnings for the past month posts start to become due for payment.

So far total accrued blog earnings are as follows: $2.71 (1 sale from 64 click thrus)
AdSense $x.xx AdSense earnings are Top Secret (let's just say the x's give you a good indication of scale)
Adbrite $0.00
PayPerPost $82.01 (13 posts)
Blogsvertise $15.00 (3 posts)
ReviewMe $20.00 (1 post)

I don't have exact visitor stats from launch as I didn't put sitemeter onto my blog until it had been running a while. However, the adsense hits should accurately reflect the # page views, and the page view:visitor ratio seems faily constant around 1.5, so I can estimate the total # visitors.

Blog start date: 19 July 2006
Days running: 120
total posts: 130
total page hits: 3,552
total # visitors: 2,368 (estimated)

This works out at about 5c per visitor, or $0.99 per post.

Sadly, with all the time spent fiddling with templates, reading other blogs, researching posts etc. the hourly rate would work out at about 25c an hour. Just as well I'm doing this blog for a bit of fun (and maybe the posts be of some use to others). I would be spending the time reading pf blogs and fiddling with my finances anyhow, so the monetization is just for a bit of fun.

ps. My wife thinks I'm a bit strange to get excited to find out that I earned $2.71 commision (OK, she thinks I'm a bit strange anyhow). Now, if I could just build up my blog readership to include some of the other 4 billion people on this planet I could start making some serious cash out of this internet thingy ;)

pps. Slap me if I ever put one of those PayPal "Tips" buttons on this blog!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How does paypal work? What are the costs? How do you get the money out of paypal and into your own bank account?