Wednesday, 15 November 2006

Birth of a new search engine

It's got a cool logo. It's got an interesting angle - country–specific search. Megaglobe is a new international search engine "coming soon". It will be available in 45 langagues and will represent the whole world. (I'm having to take their word for this at this stage.)

Well, that's the buzz.

The reality is that at the moment when you go to Megaglobe - International Search Engine all you see is a submit field where you can enter the web address of a website that you want to be spidered.

Despite a press release dated 23 June which said "Megaglobe will be launched in August" there's not (as yet) any search function. You'd think that a search function would be top of the "to do" list if you're lauching a new search engine... anyhow, the logo looks cool. I said that already, didn't I?

Perhaps, they meant August 2007.

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