Tuesday, 23 October 2007

Buying Time to complete my Diploma of Financial Services

The four months period allowed for completing the coursework for the Diploma in Financial Services (Financial Planning) I enrolled in via ps146.com.au last June ends this week. As I'm only half-way through the second of the four subjects I decided to pay the extra $150 fee to obtain an "extension of time" of two more months to complete all the assessment items. I'll be busy filling our tax returns next weekend, and then I have to complete an assignment for the GradDipEd (Secondary)(Science) course I'm doing (due by mid November), so even with the extension I'll be fairly busy until the end of the year.

I'd like to then do the Advanced DFS course, but I'll be even more busy next year doing subjects for both the Master in IM course I'm enrolled in (I took a leave of absence this semester) and the GradDipEd. If I get the DFS assessment items completed before the end of December I may enrol in the Advanced DFS straight away so that I can work the assessment items during the two week vacation I have over the Christmas/New Year period (our work place shuts down for those two weeks, so everyone has to take annual leave during this time). If I get most of the advanced DFS course completed while on vacation I should be able to complete it before my uni semester starts at the end of February.

Copyright Enough Wealth 2007

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