Sunday, 9 September 2007


There are a lot of personal finance and investing blogs out there, and the quality of both content, presentation and style varies a lot - from top notch right on down to "must try harder" or even "makes no effort" (mostly those that just regurgitate other sites content as a prop for a page full of advertising). FinancialRebel. com is an investing blog that falls somewhere in the middle of the pack from what I've seen - the layout is OK, but a bit basic, and the colour scheme somewhat garish for my tastes. The content is a mix of stock new tid-bits, stock selections and/or musings (but without much detailed analysis) and some general interest personal finance articles such as this one about how to create a budget. I can't say that this blog strikes me as one of the best around, but it's worth a quick look to see if the content and style suits your interests. However, I suspect that this blog may end up being a "flash in the pan" - after apparently starting up in June (the first post seems to be from 13th June as there aren't any earlier posts currently listed, but it's hard to tell as this first(?) post isn't a "welcome to my blog" messsge) and an initial flurry of posts in July and August there has been no new content since mid-August, so the author (Jason Martin) may have moved on to other interests.

Copyright Enough Wealth 2007

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