Tuesday, 1 May 2007

Net Worth Up $45,141 in April

My Networth as at 30 April totalled $1,116,129 (AUD), an impressive overall increase of $45,141 (4.21%) for the month. My stock leveraged stock portfolios increased by a net 5.10% during April, and the estimated valuations for my share of our home and investment property increased 2.10% compared to last month, continuing the mild uptrend that began last month. The property gains were slightly offset by our mortgage loan balances increasing by a net $1,082 (0.30%) due to our monthly redraw of $3,500. We're continue redrawing some of our advance mortgage payments each month to help meet our mortgage repayments while DW is on maternity leave for another two months. Unlike last month's big drop in the valuation of my retirement account, this month my retirement account balance went back up $10,919 (3.37%).

So far this year my Net Worth has gone up by $83,346 (8.07%), which is 59.53% of my goal for the entire year.

Enough Wealth


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Thats excellent, you certainly seem to have your finger on the pulse and doing very very well, hope others will follow your example.


Anonymous said...

I've been reading your blog for a while now and I find it very enjoyable. I am very focused on building my net wealth so that I can retire early and I do many of the things that you yourself do. I am relatively new at the building wealth game, being only 2 years out of university, but I feel like i'm just starting to gain some traction. Do you mind me asking approximately what your age is? You only have to give a range. Thanks

enoughwealth@yahoo.com said...

If you click on my device in the sidebar (where it says "About Me") you get some more info, including my age.

Tanner said...

Yikes...$45k in one month?? That is awesome! Budgeting for Our Wedding