Friday, 12 January 2007

Current Asset Allocation

I checked on all my accounts to determine my current overall asset allocation (if it was way off what I want I would think about rebalancing). The Net Worth figure is slightly higher than my usual monthly calculation as this one includes some items I don't normally bother with - bank accounts, coin collection/bullion, and agribusiness investments. The total still doesn't count miscellaneous household items or cars, boats, hovercraft, steam engines etc. (see previous post on "toys"):

Overall Asset Allocation
% $
Assets 100.0% $1,814,373.92
Debts $711,224.31

Asset Allocation:

Au Shares 38.3% $694,875.45
Int Shares 11.6% $210,337.08
Property 41.2% $747,988.85
Fixed Int 1.5% $28,071.17
Hedge Funds 5.0% $90,448.50
Agribusiness 1.2% $22,650.00
Coins/bullion 1.1% $20,000.00

Net Worth $1,103,149.61
LVR (D:A) 39.2%
Gearing (D:NW) 64.5%


Retirement $312,446.13
Direct Property $713,750.76
Margin/Broker $670,449.34
Agribusiness $22,650.00
Coins/bullion $20,000.00
Hedge Funds $50,000.00
Bank Accounts $25,077.69

This year I'll continue building up my "Little Book" portfolio of US stocks, which will increase my allocation to International shares to around 15%. I don't plan to invest any more in real estate, so my allocation to property should drop below 40% soon. In the longer term I'd expect my allocation to drift towards 35% Au stocks, 20% Int stocks, 35% property, and 10% "other". I aim to keep my use of gearing to around 40% LVR (67% gearing).


EasyChange said...

I am finding your blog fascinating. I was wondering if you would be so kind as to talk more about when you started investing and/or what age range you are in at this point in your life.

I am coming up on thirty soon myself and I find the whole concept of getting to 100k before then (which is what several pfbloggers are shooting for) to be a huge undertaking.

Norak said...

With $600,000 in Aussie stocks--and leveraged as well--I'd be a little worried. I'm much younger and have nowhere near as much wealth as you do but so far I have resisted getting any margin loans because of the same fears you're having.