Tuesday, 1 August 2023

12% solution superhero portfolio - end July 2023 update

The "12% solution"" recommendation email from David Alan Carter for end of Jul was an unchanged recommendation from last month, I.e.:

60% QQQ + 40% JNK

So I was able to leave the '12% solution' component of my superhero portfolio unchanged this month (which saves on trading costs)

Since I bought on 12 Jul the price changes for the current components were:

QQQ 1.07449 units @ $372.2696 [=> $383.68    +3.06%

JNK 2.88576 units @ $92.1768  [=> $92.75     +0.62%

Total gain for the (partial) month was $($12.26+1.65 ) = $13.91 on the initial ($400+$266) = $666.00  investment, so 2.09%  so far. As the initial investment wasn't made at the start of the month, this isn't a monthly return figure. In future I'll report monthly performance and a cumulative return.

David Alan Carter's monthly "12% solution" update email reported the YTD performance for 2023 so far as being +22.5%.

Since 2008 the '12% solution' has produced a total cumulative return to the end of July 2023 of 582.0% compared to the S&P 500 Index cumulative return of 326.7% for the same period.

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