If you get bored with your current desktop wallpaper definitely don't go out and pay good money for such software - you can get good quality computer desktop wallpaper's for free. American Greetings has a wide selection of
free desktop wallpaper. The selection can be viewed online and are easy to download - you will be asked to provide some personal information such as your name, birthdate and email address, but that information isn't distributed to other parties and you can opt-out of receiving any newsletters from American Greetings during the sign up process. The wallpapers contain no spyware or adware (unlike other popular wallpapers and screensavers sites) and there are screensavers available as well.
The categories and individual wallpapers offered include;
* Calendars
* Floral
* Pets
* Animals
* Abstract Designs
* Graphic Patterns
* Inspirational (Religous, not business)
* Nature Scenes
* Vacation Photos
* Scenic Paintings
* Holidays
* Seasonal
* Patriotic (USA)
* General
* Children's Characters
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