The ups and downs of trying to accumulate a seven-figure net worth on a five-figure salary, loose weight, get fit, do a post-grad course and launch a financial planning business - while working full-time.
Saturday, 19 February 2011
Home maintenance expenses - sometimes it really isn't worth repairing old equipment
Of course a week after the tank had been repaired the cover lifted off the base and expanded insulation started to poke out of the bottom - not a good sign as it often means that a leak has developed. Sure enough, this morning DW phoned me to say that the old tank had ruptured as was spraying out hot water. We decided on getting a slightly smaller tank (250L) that was able to fit in the same position as the old tank. The plumber also recommended replacing the old pressure relief and 'Dua' valve at the same time, so the total cost for the new water heater was $1363.50
The tank has a 5 year warranty, which means it will probably last 7-10 years before it has to be replaced. By that time off-peak electricity will probably have been phased out, so we'll be looking at either a heat pump or solar hot water system next time.
Subscribe to Enough Wealth. Copyright 2006-2011
Fishtank update - end of week 1
I was originally intending to buy some glass (ghost) catfish, but they don't fare well is less than ideal water conditions, so it's probably not worth the risk. I was also considering adding a few male guppies, but as I've previously had problems with them nipping the colourful tails of other fish (such as siamese ff), I think I'll also give them a miss.
Subscribe to Enough Wealth. Copyright 2006-2011
Monday, 14 February 2011
First fish tank fatality
The filter outlets weren't flowing when I got home, so I removed the extra activated charcoal I'd put into the filter tray as I suspect the white filter wool pressing against the drip tube holes had made them clog up sooner than normal. I also did a 10% water change, and will change another 10% every day for the first week until the tank 'cycles' and starts to clear.
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Fish - the pet you have when you can't really have a pet
I'd bought a small (32L) tank at Aldi a year ago, and finally got around to setting it up in our remodelled lounge room/library this weekend. The tank came with a power-head filter and light built in to the cover, as well as a bag of gravel, a net, some plastic plants and a 'decorative' fake rock. As I still had some nice bog wood pieces and wood tank stand in storage, I only had to buy a 55W heater, an air pump and air "wand" to be able to setup the aquarium.
I filled the tank and added water ager yesterday, and the pH and temperature were OK today (although the tannin from the bog wood had made the aquarium water an interesting tea-colour. I've since added some extra activated charcoal to the filter tray). So I ignored my own good advice (to let the tank "settle in" for a week before adding some plants, and two weeks before adding any fish) and went out and bought some fish today:
1 Siamese fighting fish ($9.74), 4 neon tetra ($2.50 each), 1 bristle nose catfish ($12.50), 1 pearl gourami ($9.50).
That could easily end up being $41.74 flushed down the toilet (literally), but if these fish do survive the next couple of weeks it will at least mean that less risk of introducing diseases to the tank each time I add additional fish to the established aquarium. Not that this size tank can take much more livestock - even with the 90cm long air wand putting out an impressive blanket of air bubbles, I can only reasonably plan on adding a couple of glow-light tetras and one ramirez dwarf cichlid later on.
We'll find out over the next few weeks how this "experiment" turns out.
ps. I called the blood-red Siamese fighting fish "Valentino" and told DW that since tomorrow is the 14th it can be her Valentine's Day present. She wasn't overly impressed ;)
Subscribe to Enough Wealth. Copyright 2006-2008
Saturday, 12 February 2011
Capital punishment wastes capital
But I had thought that execution was obviously cheaper than maintaining a prisoner in jail for the rest of their natural life. Apparently that isn't the case though - according to an article in today's SMH, it costs around $3 million per execution, while life imprisonment "only" costs around $1m. It seems sad that some US states may move to eliminate the death penalty for fiscal reasons, when instances of the wrong person getting executed for a crime had failed to see the practice banned.
Subscribe to Enough Wealth. Copyright 2006-2010
Friday, 11 February 2011
I'm a millionaire (again)
I'm a millionaire! Again.
Last time my net worth was over AUD$1m was back in 2007. This time around it's also US$1m due to the strong Aussie dollar, so I suppose in that sense I'm even more of a 'millionaire' than last time around. But, given the massive hit my net worth took 'during the GFC' (putting it in the past tense seems to be tempting fate), it doesn't feel "real" this time around. Of course, with inflation and what-not, being a "millionaire" isn't quite the same thing as it was in the era of The Great Gatsby.
Depending on how the market goes for the rest of February, I might still be a millionaire in my 'official' end of months figures and have it appear in my NetWorthIQ graph ;)
There's still a long way to go to get back to my peak net worth, even further to go in "real" terms (adjusting for inflation), and I doubt I'll ever be quite as well off as I was back in '07, given how much closer to retirement age I am now. Then again, there's always the $20m lotto draw coming up on Saturday...
Subscribe to Enough Wealth. Copyright 2006-2011
Tuesday, 1 February 2011
Net Worth Update: January 2011
The Australian stock market had declined slightly by the end of this month, so my equity in my geared stock portfolio decreased by around $4,000. However, our property valuations rose a bit during the month, and we also made a small repayment of mortgage principal during January, which improved our real estate portfolio equity. Some employer contributions were deposited into my SMSF account during the month. Overall my net worth figure increased by about $10K (~1%). With the USD remaining close to parity with the Aussie dollar, my NW is pretty much the same in terms of USD or AUD.
Depending on where the stock market and Sydney real estate market go during the remainder of 2011, I may soon be a "millionaire" once more. The question will then be whether my NW continues to increase, or if another financial crisis develops and marks down my investments again.
Assets___________$ Amount______$ Diff_____% Diff Stocks_*__________$22,798_____-$3,920______n/a % Retirement_______$364,820______$6,142_____1.71 % Properties_______$955,066______$5,364_____0.56 % Debts____________$ Amount_____$ Diff_____% Diff Home Mortgage(s)_$361,098_____-$2,424_____-0.67 % Net Worth________$981,586_____$10,010_____1.03 %
* the Stocks figure is portfolio value - margin loans. As my portfolio value (and margin loan debt) is around $500,000 relatively small movements in the stock market produce huge percentage swings in the net value of my stock portfolio each month.
Subscribe to Enough Wealth. Copyright 2006-2011