Sunday, 8 October 2006

Net Worth - PF Bloggers: SEP '06

It's interesting to see how the various PF bloggers who post Net Worth each month are progressing. Here's a summary of all ones I found.

Leave a comment if I've missed yours out!

Monthly Net Worth of PF Bloggers for SEP 2006:

Blogger Age Net Worth $ Change % Change
Accumulating Money 2x $38,125.09 $2,342.41 6.5%
Consumerism Commentary 30 $59,232.35 $5,235.74 9.7%
Enough Wealth 44 $947,571.00 $10,720.00 1.1%
Financial Freedom 30 $221,898.75 $7,326.06 3.4%
It's Just Money 32 $148,413.84 $2,935.96 2.0%
Make love, not debt ?? -$79,013.54 $2,467.05 3.0%
Making Our Way 37 $599,889.77 $17,687.01 3.0%
Map Girl 32 no Sep data no Sep data n/a
Money and Values 24 $23,336.00 $2,650.00 12.8%
My Money Blog 28 $106,044.00 $5,567.00 5.5%
My Money Path 29 $92,444.00 $11,267.00 13.9%
My Open Wallet 37 $298,000.00 no Aug data n/a
New Age Personal Finance 31 $124,846.69 $6,931.87 5.9%
Savvy Saver 27 $208,812.00 $8,479.00 4.2%

7:07 AM, October 09, 2006
nb. Some ages have been adjusted as follows:
exact age provided = listed as given
"20's" = listed as 2x
"early 20's" = listed as 22
"mid-late 20's" = listed as 27
and so on.

1 comment:

Britt said...