Saturday, 14 October 2006

Blog Monetization update: Jul-Sep 2006

In keeping with the "open wallet" philosophy, I'll track my progress monetarizing this blog.
        income expense
Jul 06: $ 0.00 -$ 0.00
Aug 06: $ 0.00 -$ 0.00
Sep 06: $ 0.00 -$ 0.00

ps. In case anyone is wondering why I've included and AdSense links in the "body" section of my blog, it's simply that my template currently only lets my post content start to appear after the end of any sidebar material - so including all sponsored material in the sidebar would mean a huge amount of whitespace appearing between the posting date (which does indent correctly for some reason) and the start of the actual post content! If I work out how to fix my blogger template I'll move all the "ads" into my sidebar.

1 comment:

Marshall Middle said...

Try using adsense at the top of the page or after your posts. Also you might consider moving your book recommendations to the bottom of your site. Good luck!