Thursday, 1 May 2008

Net Worth Update: April 2008

April showed gains in all areas of my portfolio and I ended the month up (2.67%) for the month, to $1,072,448:

Property valuations +$.6,249 (+0.74%) to +$849,227
Mortgage loans..... -$....20 (-0.01%) to -$366,520
Retirement accounts +$.8,066 (+2.73%) to +$303,850
Stocks & other..... +$13,505 (+4.96%) to +$285,891

My monthly retirement contribution from April (around $4,200) isn't showing in this month's figures as the employer contribution hasn't appeared in my SMSF bank account yet.

For those that are interested in household net worth figures:

Enoughwealth....... +$1,072,448
DW................. +$..540,104
DS1................ +$...43,755
DS2................ +$....7,133
TOTAL Household NW. +$1,663,439

Copyright Enough Wealth 2008

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