Tuesday, 18 March 2008

Ah, the Student Life for Me

I didn't manage to finish off all my assessment items for the DFS(FP) course prior to the start of the Uni semester, so I had to pay $75 for another two month "extension of time" (it appears that you can keep extending the "deadline" indefinitely, provided you pay a small admin fee -- don't you just love privatised, quasi-professional courses). However, I have just about finished off two of the four modules, so I should be able to complete the rest of the DFS(FP) before this current extension period ends. I also had to pay $75 for a new version of the Superannuation module, as the changes to the superannuation regulations last year (aka "Simpler Super") have made the existing course notes out of date. I don't mind paying to get the updated module on superannuation, as it's relevant to my role as trustee of my SMSF. It does make me wonder how "up to date" some RG146 qualified financial planners would be are if they qualified under the old course and don't do much "continuing education".

Meanwhile the "Autumn" semester at Charles Sturt University has begun. We're already in week four (I think -- it's hard to keep track when you're studying via distance education), and I have an assignment for this semester's BTeach (previously GradDipEd) subject "Reconceptualising Secondary Education" due next week. I also have an assignment for the Master of IT subject "Interface Useability" due the following week. I've started reading through the course notes, text books, and "readings" for both subjects, and I've started some preliminary research for the BTeach assignment. Hopefully I can complete most of the work on these two assignments during the four-day Easter long weekend. Last year I'd planned on completing my assignments during the Easter break and then came down with a bad bout of 'flu that kept me in bed the whole time!

These two assignments are quite fun, but there's a huge difference in the amount of time required to just "scrape through" and the amount of time that should really be spent on them.

Copyright Enough Wealth 2007

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