Wednesday, 20 April 2016

Diet & Exercise: City2Surf 2016

Entries for the 2016 'City2Surf" open tomorrow, and I think I'll enter (again) this year. The trick will be to actually train regularly for it, and be fit enough to do the 14km 'race' on 14 August. I've entered the City2Surf twice before, but both times I changed my mind and didn't actually go. The first time I came down with the 'flu a few days before the race date and I wasn't feeling well enough to race (the organizers recommend not racing if you've been sick or had a viral infection within two weeks of the race day), and the second time it was raining and I just didn't feel like getting up at 6am to spend two hours in the rain.

'Early bird' entry costs $65 for adults (anyone over 15), and a 'family' entry costs $130 - which includes two adults and one child. Since DS1 is turning 16 in May, I'll probably pay for a family entry as DS2 may wish to also come along. I'll probably walk most of the 14 km course, which shouldn't take much more than a couple of hours even with drink stops along the way. Only 1,500 family packages are available, so I'll have to register fairly soon.

The better runners (that have met a particular qualification time) start the race around 8 am, but we'll probably choose the Orange 'back of the pack' group that starts the race at a much more civilized time (9:30 am).

** update: I entered the family as soon as registrations opened on 20/4. Cost including the 1.5% surcharge for CC payment was $131.95. Considering Westpac is a sponsor I find it hard to believe the actual merchant fee being charged to City2Surf is much above 0.7%. It also seems off that there is no surcharge if you pay via Paypal, as the merchant has to pay a fee to receive payments via Paypal. Oh well, I suppose it is another way to raise some funds for charity... Since it was an 'early bird' entry, the race bibs should be mailed out to us, which is good as I didn't fancy having to drive out to the Fitness Expo and queue up a few days before the race to collect our race bibs. Next step will be to plot a local walking/jogging route that is about 7km long (half the race distance). I'll try to ramp up my daily walking to meet my current 10,000 steps/day target, and add in a weekend 7km walk/jog session. Closer to the race day we can start doing the full 14km race distance once a week by doing two 'laps' of this training circuit.

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