Saturday 18 May 2019

Things are looking up

Tony Abbott lost his seat of Warringah. He's a nice bloke (I've met him), but his view are very out-dated, so it's probably going to be a good thing for the Liberal party when he's gone. Zali won the seat - so it will be interesting if she actually backs the coalition (assuming it forms government), or is actually a lot more 'left' than she claimed during campaigning (she had strong support from GetUp!, but was constantly pointing out there were no 'formal links'). We'll see.

Overall it looks like the coalition might be able to form government - either with a slim majority, or as a minority government with some of the independents - if it's a minority government I'll win a few bucks I wagered on Betfair, if they win outright I'll win more (the odds of a coalition win were 5:1 when I placed the bet).

I also got notified that GoDaddy technical help was fixed up my business website (took about four days), which is good. They also created a backup ;) They suggest that I change from a windows hosting plan to a Linux hosting plan, as Wordpress apparently will be more robust running on a Linux server (and my website should also load faster). I'll check with GoDaddy support on Monday to see if I can just switch over my existing 'deluxe' hosting plan from Windows to Linux hosting, and get everything moved across without too much fiddling.

All in all, not a bad night.

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mOOm said...

I bet on a Coalition win in the last week when ScoMo mentioned the polls in Lindsay. Was 6:1. Should have bet more than I did ($100) :) Am happy to see Shorten Labor defeated. said...

You're more of a punter than me ;) I only bet $5 for a coalition win, and $5 for a minority government.

I feel for the person that bet $1m on a Labor victory (but they can probably afford it). Perhaps they were going to be adversely affected by a Labor government, and were using it as a hedge?