Tuesday, 2 April 2019

Net Worth: March 2019

There was a modest rise in the valuations of my retirement savings and geared shared portfolio (both up around 1.3%) which was offset by another -1.85% decline in the valuation of my half of our home. Overall, my net worth was almost unchanged, gaining $1,824 (0.08%) during the month to $2,265,537. Still below my all time peak, with my NW tracking sideways for the past 18 months or so.

Funding my university studies and running costs of my start-up financial planning business continue to cost around $2,500 per month. I completed the second course (out of twelve) for my Master of Financial Planning degree. So far I've received on HD and one D, with a GPA so far of 6.5/7 - coincidentally exactly the same as my average for the Master of Astronomy I did previously ;) I'm aiming to average 6.5 or above, and would like to get on the "Dean's List" each year and possibly get another academic medal for Masters by Coursework.

I didn't get my website finished off during March, so that is my immediate business development goal. I've printed off a couple of hundred brochures to direct mail to local addresses (I'll do the letter box deliveries myself, as I need the exercise) and will see if they achieve the typical response rate of 2-4% (ie. I should get around 2-4 phone calls or bookings for a free initial appointment for every 100 brochures I deliver). I plan of delivering around 50 brochures each week, testing minor variations, and hope to achieve around 4-8 responses per month, which *should* result in 1-2 new clients each month. Since I haven't had a client yet, this is all very theoretical at the moment.

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