Friday, 5 August 2011

Some uni 'honours'

JCU must have recently completed some processing of last year's overall results, because in addition to finally receiving a 'Letter of Commendation' (for getting a GPA>=6.0 in 2010), I also got an invitation to join 'Golden Key International Honour Society' for a once-off fee of A$95 (I also paid an extra $19.95 for a GK lapel pin). Apparently the invite was sent via a mailing list provided by JCU of students with a result 'in the top 15%'.

The $115 I paid to Golden Key might be money down the drain - aside from not getting any benefit from the on-campus social activities (as I'm studying via distance education) I'm also not young enough to make use of the professional development or career assistance benefits. From various forum posts it seems that Golden Key is also treated with great scepticism by some students - with doubts raised about how much of the funds raised from membership fees actually goes back to members via services and scholarships, compared to the amount being used for 'admin' and paying salary to the executive officers of this "non-profit" organisation. But I'll be happy enough if I just receive my membership certificate and pin without any hassles. But the fact that the links to the most recent annual report and other regional reports are broken doesn't fill me with confidence about this organisation.

Anyway, I've wasted more than $100 on other silly expenses over the years, and at least this will give me something to put in the 'Awards and Honours' section of my application to enrol in the doctorate program at the end of next year ;)

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