Saturday 5 April 2008

Review of

This website provides some useful information about credit cards - such as an information centre that provides articles about recent innovations in the credit card arena. A recent article discusses the pros and cons of so-called "green" credit cards from Bank of America and Wells Fargo. The article discusses how rewards points on these cards can be used to purchase carbon dioxide offsets or support projects aimed at developing renewable energy sources. On the downside the article reveals that these cards tend to have higher interest rates than other types of credit cards, but may still be attractive to customers that are concerned enough about the environment so pay extra for an environmentally-friendly card that encourages signing up for paperless credit card payments.

There's an interesting article on the site that discusses the benefits of cards with no annual fee and low interest rates for mature age customers (who tend to pay off their balances in full and use their cards sparingly). Another article discusses the option of using a debit card if you can't qualify (or don't want) a credit card, and how the debit card can help you learn the basics of credit card management. The article also points out the potential pitfall of accruing overdraft charges if you make a mistake and exceed the available funds in your debit account.

So, if you're looking for easy to access information about Credit card innovations you should browse through some of the articles on this site.

Copyright Enough Wealth 2007

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